Cookies used by our Website

The entire use cookies to help make the website as informative, personal, and as user friendly as possible.

A cookie is a small text file that the website asks to store the client’s computer. The file contains a certain amount of information and a certain timestamp.

The browser stores the information on a particular location in your computer and returns the information in the cookie to the website you have visited.

The cookie does not identify who you are and it is not used to collect personal information (except if you fill out and submit a form on the website). For more information about cookies, including how to set your internet browser to reject and/or delete cookies or withdraw your consent, please visit

We use statistics to determine which pages are most visited and which browsers our visitors use.

We may also use Google Analytics which help us analyze the use of the Site. Google Analytics generate statistical and other information about website use by means of cookies. The information generated relating to our Site is used to create reports about the use of the website. Google holds this information and provides us access to it.

How to manage your Cookies settings

If you do not accept our cookie policy, you may disable cookies through your browser’s security settings. You can also set your browser to alert you every time the site tries to store a cookie on your computer. Through the browser, you can also delete previously stored cookies. Please visit your browser’s help pages for more information on how to change the privacy-settings.

Even though cookies placed on your devices, as described above, may facilitate the navigation experience, or help generate statistical reports, they do not store or reveal any of your Personally Identifiable information (PII), as defined under the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 (henceforth the “GDPR”) as per our Privacy Policy.

Your consent

By continuing to visit this website you consent to our Cookie Policy and agree that we may place cookies as we describe above.

The website owner reserves the right to amend and update this Policy from time to time; please check regularly this page to be informed about changes, if and when they occur.