University of Cambridge, UK

Post-Graduate Studies, 2017

University of California Santa Barbara, CA, USA

PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2004 – 2009

California State University Long Beach, CA, USA

MSEE in Electrical Engineering, 2001 – 2003

Bradley University, IL, USA

BSEE in Electrical Engineering, 1999 – 2001


Full Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology

September 2022 – Present, Electrical Engineering Department

PI of NanoComputing Research Lab at Integrated Circuits Team

Director of Research, CNRS

October 2019 – Present, Microelectronics Department, LIRMM

October 2021 – 2022, Nominated Member of the French National Scientific Committee for CNRS Section 7

Research Scientist, CNRS

October 2011 – 2019, Microelectronics Department, LIRMM

University of Cambridge, UK – Visiting Research Fellow

2016 – 2017, Cambridge Graphene Center, UK

Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA – R&D Staff Member

2009 – 2010, Computing Division

University of California Santa Barbara, USA – Research Assistant

2005 – 2009, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

STMicroelectronics, FR – Associate Researcher

2008, CAD Team

IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA – Associate Researcher

2006 – 2007, Systems Division

Mentor Graphics Corp., USA – Associate Researcher

2005, Physical Design Team

Cadence Design Systems, USA – Associate Researcher

2002 – 2004, CAD Team

California State University Long Beach, USA – Teaching Assistant

2001 – 2003, Electrical Engineering Department


Distinguished Lecturer IEEE Nanotechnology Council | 2022 – 2023

Nominated as a Distinguished Lecturer on Neuromorphic Computing & Engineering

Best Presentation Award | 2021

Albany Nanotechnology Symposium – Post-Doc Fellow S. Carapezzi

Quantum Computing Conference (QC) – PhD student S. Niu

Best Poster Award | 2021

IEEE AI Compute Symposium – PhD student M. Abernot

ACM Europe HPC Computer Architecture for AI and Dedicated Applications – PhD student M. Abernot

IBM Quantum Open Science Prize | 2021

One of four winning teams for quantum graph state challenge (view)

100 under 40 in Montpellier | 2020

One of 100 young leaders that make Montpellier (view)

ACM SIGDA Service Meritorious Award | 2020

For Serving as Newsletter co-Editor in Chief from 2016 to 2020

Exposition “Inspirations – Donner des ELLES a l’UM” | 2019

One of the selected 19 women of the Montpellier University (view)

Franco-British Council Young Leader | 2018

One of 25 young leaders to shape the bilateral relations (view)

CNRS Médaille de Bronze | INS2I Section 7 | 2016

Prestigious and highly selective award for young researchers (view)

ACM Distinguished Speaker | 2016 – 2018

Circle of renowned international speakers in computing

Nanoscale Horizons Award | 2015

Best paper award given at IEEE Nanotechnology conference

John Bardeen Fellow | 2009

Computing Division, Fermilab (view)

Best Teaching Assistant | 2006

Computer Engineering Dept. University of California Santa Barbara


NWO Quantum Computing Grant | 2024 – 2028

AtomCOMP – A Hybrid Compilation Framework with Error Mitigation and Pulse Control for Quantum Computing with Neutral Atoms (Principal Investigator) (view)

ERC Consolidating Grant | 2024 – 2029

Thermodynamic-inspired Computing with Oscillatory Neural Networks (Principal Investigator) (view)

NWO AiNed Fellowship Grant | 2024 – 2029

AI-on-ONN: Online Learning for Sense-to-Compute Edge AI with Oscillatory Neural Networks (Principal Investigator) (view)

Horizon EU PHASTRAC | 2023 – 2026

Phase-change materials for energy efficient computing (Project Coordinator) (view)

EU H2020 NeurONN | 2020 – 2022

Oscillatory Neural Networks for Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Computing (Project Coordinator) (view)

BPI France IT2nm-FR | 2020 – 2023

Modeling and simulation for development of nanotechnology node at 2nm (Participant) (view)

Region Occitanie QuantUM-CAD | 2020 – 2022

Quantum Computer Aided Design for Hybrid Quantum-Classical Simulation (view)

EU H2020 SmartVista | 2019 – 2021

Smart Autonomous Multi Modal Sensors for Vital Signs Monitoring (view)

EU H2020 Connect | 2016 – 2018

Carbon Nanotube Composite Interconnects (view)

ANR PRC Adianems | 2016 – 2018

Adiabatic Logic based on Nanoelectromechanical Switches (view)

Campus France Eiffel Excellence Fellowship | 2017 – 2018

Monolithic 3D Power Delivery Challenges

French Institute BLATAND Grant | 2017

Investigation of Quantum Dots and Devices

EU ERASMUS MUNDUS | 2015 – 2016

3D Physical Design Challenges and Solutions


Carbon nanotubes for integrated circuits